路由# 321076470

如何 为买房而存钱

2019年11月8日 5分钟

在当今竞争激烈的房地产市场, first impressions weigh heavily–and that includes the appearance of your home from street level. Did you know that a prospective home buyer will make a judgment about your house within the first 30 seconds? 当一个潜在的买家最初开车到一个物业, 他们注意到的第一件事是房子的“外观吸引力”.“

According to a 2018 report from the National Association of Realtors’ (NAR), 外观吸引力对吸引买家非常重要. 确保你的家给人留下良好的第一印象, 你需要在几个关键领域进行磨练, focusing on details that entice prospective buyers to want to come inside the house.

创建一个 预算

1. 记住你的目标,减少不必要的开支

Chances are, you have expenses each week that are not totally necessary. Decide what you can cut out and put this money towards your down payment instead. 想了解更多省钱的方法,请查看我们的文章 为应急基金而存钱 – many methods mentioned there will also work when saving up for a down payment.

2. 自动保存

有两种常见的自动保存方法. One is to set up an automatic monthly or bi-monthly transfer from your 支票账户 into your 储蓄账户. Patelco Online™使其非常容易做到这一点 在线 或者通过 手机应用程序.

A second method of saving is to have your employer split your paycheck between 2 direct deposits – one deposit to your normal 支票账户 to pay your monthly expenses and one deposit to a 储蓄账户 that’s earmarked for a down payment.

3. 一两年不休假

If you save the money you normally would have spent on vacationing, 你可以为你的首付款做出很大的贡献.

4. 减少你的高息债务

If you’re paying high interest on a credit card, this can seriously limit your ability to save. 查看我们的 偿还债务的小贴士. The sooner you pay your debt down, the sooner you’ll be able to save for a down payment.

5. 找一份临时的第二份工作或季节工

如果买房对你来说真的很重要, the sacrifice of working a second job may help you may substantial contributions to your down payment fund. Consider this option carefully as it will cut into your time and likely add stress to your life – but if you set up a specific timeframe (such as only during one holiday season) and keep your goal in mind, 你可能会对结果非常满意.

If you have a few hundred or a few thousand dollars in an account that’s not earning much, invest it. 赚到的每一笔股息或利息都会有所帮助.”

使用 投资及礼品

6. 把你闲着的钱拿来投资

If you have a few hundred or a few thousand dollars in an account that’s not earning much, invest it. 赚到的每一笔股息或利息都会有所帮助. If you’re looking to buy soon, consider a high-yield 储蓄账户 like our 货币市场帐户. 如果你在看期中题,考虑a 股票. And if you’re looking to buy after a longer period of time, consider the stock market.

7. 考虑使用礼物

Most mortgage lenders allow gifts to be used for part of the down payment on a home. 然而, lenders often require borrowers to contribute some of their own money toward a down payment in addition to any gifts. You’ll also need to submit a letter to your lender that proves that the money is a gift rather than a loan, 而且你不需要偿还这笔资金. 你可能还需要提交文件, 比如银行对账单, showing the funds withdrawn from your benefactor’s account and deposited into your account.

8. 从传统的个人退休账户中取款

You can withdraw funds from your traditional 爱尔兰共和军 and use them for a down payment. 然而, all or part of a distribution from a traditional 爱尔兰共和军 must be included in taxable income in the year received. While funds distributed prior to age 59½ are generally subject to a premature distribution penalty, an exception applies when the distribution is used within 120 days to pay the costs of acquiring, 构建, or re构建 the principal residence of a first-time homebuyer. 有一张10美元的,000 lifetime limit on distributions covered by the first-time homebuyer exception, 然而.

借用你的 人寿保险或退休计划

9. 从人寿保险单的现金价值中借款

If you have accumulated a substantial cash value in your life insurance policy, you may be able to borrow from it in order to raise funds for a down payment. You may be able to borrow up to 90 percent of your policy’s cash value, and the interest rate is usually substantially lower than rates for bank loans and credit cards. 然而, any outstanding loan balance will be subtracted from your death benefit when you die, reducing the amount your beneficiaries will receive upon your death.

10. 从雇主赞助的退休计划中借款

如果你参加了雇主赞助的退休计划, one way to come up with money for a down payment is to borrow the money from your plan. 许多雇主赞助的退休计划.g. a 401(k) plan) allow you to borrow against the funds in your account. 这取决于你的雇主制定的规则, you may be able to borrow against your own contributions and the earnings on this money. You may also be able to borrow against contributions made by your employer if you are vested in those dollars.

这里有一些警告. 感兴趣 rates on these types of loans are generally only one or two points above the prime rate. Although loans from retirement plans generally must be paid back within five years, the repayment period can be longer if funds are used to purchase a primary residence. Many plans carry restrictions, so consult your plan administrator for more details. If you leave your employer before you repay a loan from an employer-sponsored retirement plan, 你的计划贷款的余额通常会立即到期. 如果没有按时还款, 贷款余额将被视为税收分配, 你可能要缴纳10%的罚款.

我们一直在这里谈论,包括关于 买房. 联络我们的 置业贷款顾问 如果你想谈谈首付的事. 作为Patelco会员,您还可以免费访问 平衡该公司提供免费在线或电话咨询服务. They can help answer your questions about the best ways for you to save.


资料来源:Broadridge Financial Solutions,于2019年10月22日发布.


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